
List of Top AI in Agriculture Startups in London, UK, Europe, Asia, India, USA, and China

List of Top AI in Agriculture Startups in London, UK, Europe, Asia, India, USA, and China

The agriculture sector is rapidly evolving with the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, helping to address global challenges such as food security, resource optimization, and climate change. In regions such as London, the UK, Europe, Asia, India, the USA, and China, AI-driven agricultural startups are providing innovative solutions, from precision farming to crop monitoring and supply chain management. Here, we explore some of the top AI startups in agriculture, shedding light on their market impact and potential for future growth.

1. Small Robot Company (London, UK)

Small Robot Company is one of the most prominent AI-powered agriculture startups based in London, UK. The company is revolutionizing farming by leveraging AI, robotics, and machine learning to make farming more sustainable and efficient. Their fleet of robots, affectionately named Tom, Dick, and Harry, specialize in precision farming, where AI monitors crop health, detects weeds, and plants seeds with minimal human intervention.

This company is particularly known for its “farming as a service” model, allowing farmers to pay for the specific robot services they require rather than investing in expensive equipment. The focus on environmental sustainability and improving farming yields has attracted significant investment from venture capital firms and government-backed initiatives. As Small Robot Company continues to expand, it is poised to lead AI-driven farming innovation across Europe and beyond【7†source】.


2. Agreena (Denmark, Europe)

Agreena, based in Denmark, is another leading European AI startup focused on revolutionizing sustainable farming. The company provides a platform that uses AI to support regenerative agriculture practices, which focus on reducing carbon emissions and improving soil health. Through its AgreenaCarbon platform, the company enables farmers to earn carbon credits by adopting sustainable farming practices, which can then be traded on carbon markets.

The AI-powered platform provides farmers with the tools to monitor their soil’s carbon sequestration potential, optimize crop management, and ensure compliance with carbon reduction regulations. This startup has quickly gained traction across Europe, attracting investment from major funds, and partnering with governments that are increasingly focused on reducing agriculture’s environmental impact【8†source】.


3. CropIn (India)

CropIn, based in Bengaluru, India, is a leading AI-driven agtech startup focusing on data-driven farming solutions. The company offers a suite of AI-powered products that provide farmers and agribusinesses with insights into crop health, weather patterns, and predictive analytics. CropIn’s platform integrates AI, machine learning, and satellite imagery to help farmers make informed decisions, optimize resources, and increase yields.

CropIn’s technology has had a profound impact on smallholder farmers across India, empowering them with real-time data that helps mitigate risks related to crop failure, pests, and diseases. The company’s collaboration with governments, NGOs, and financial institutions has enabled them to scale rapidly, expanding into global markets, including Africa and Southeast Asia【9†source】.


4. Blue River Technology (USA)

Blue River Technology, based in Sunnyvale, California, is a pioneer in the application of AI for precision farming. Acquired by John Deere in 2017, Blue River Technology’s flagship product, the See & Spray machine, uses AI and machine vision to identify and treat individual plants in real-time, dramatically reducing the use of herbicides and pesticides. This precision leads to significant cost savings for farmers and improves sustainability.

As one of the top AI-driven agriculture startups in the USA, Blue River Technology has set a standard for AI’s role in reducing chemical usage and improving the efficiency of large-scale farming. The integration of its AI tools into John Deere’s product offerings has further solidified its influence in the global agricultural sector【8†source】【9†source】.


5. Prospera Technologies (Israel/USA)

Prospera Technologies, originally based in Israel but now with a major presence in the USA, offers AI-driven agricultural solutions aimed at improving crop management and increasing farm efficiency. Prospera uses machine learning, AI, and data analytics to collect and analyze data from the field, identifying issues related to crop health, water use, and pest infestations.

In 2021, Prospera was acquired by Valmont Industries, a leading provider of agricultural irrigation systems. The integration of Prospera’s AI technology with Valmont’s irrigation products allows farmers to make precise adjustments based on real-time data, significantly enhancing crop yields and resource efficiency. Prospera’s technology is now used on millions of hectares of farmland worldwide【9†source】.


6. Farmwise (USA)

Farmwise, based in California, USA, is an AI startup dedicated to developing autonomous farming machines that use AI to automate labor-intensive tasks like weeding. The company’s AI-powered machines can differentiate between crops and weeds, allowing farmers to minimize herbicide usage and improve crop health.

Farmwise has raised substantial funding from investors who see the potential for AI to solve labor shortages and sustainability challenges in agriculture. As the demand for sustainable farming practices grows, Farmwise is well-positioned to expand its AI-driven machines to farms across the USA and other regions【8†source】.


7. Eruvaka Technologies (India)

Eruvaka Technologies, based in India, applies AI to revolutionize aquaculture, providing intelligent feeding solutions for fish and shrimp farms. The company’s AI-powered system helps farmers monitor water quality and adjust feeding times and quantities based on real-time data. This not only reduces feed waste but also optimizes growth rates for aquatic species.

Eruvaka has gained traction in India and Southeast Asia, where aquaculture plays a crucial role in the local economy. The startup has partnered with large agribusiness companies and governments to bring its technology to farmers who want to improve efficiency and sustainability in aquaculture【7†source】.


8. Gamaya (Switzerland, Europe)

Gamaya, a Swiss startup, leverages AI and hyperspectral imaging technology to help farmers make data-driven decisions about crop management. The company’s platform uses AI to analyze images of crops and provide insights into soil health, plant diseases, and nutrient deficiencies, allowing farmers to take corrective actions early and optimize yields.

Gamaya’s technology is widely used in Europe, where precision agriculture is a growing trend. The company has secured several funding rounds from European venture capital firms and is rapidly expanding into new markets, including Latin America and the USA【9†source】.


9. XAG (China)

XAG, one of China’s leading AI-driven agriculture startups, specializes in autonomous drones and robotics for precision farming. Founded in 2007, XAG provides AI-powered drones for crop spraying, seed planting, and field monitoring. Their drones are equipped with advanced AI systems that can make real-time decisions based on data collected during flight, significantly reducing the labor and time required for these tasks.

XAG has expanded its operations globally, with a strong presence in markets such as Australia, Brazil, and Southeast Asia. The company’s focus on AI and robotics for agriculture aligns with China’s broader push toward AI innovation and sustainable farming practices【8†source】.


10. Taranis (Israel/USA)

Taranis is a precision agriculture startup based in Israel and the USA, specializing in AI-powered aerial imaging and crop monitoring solutions. The company uses AI to analyze high-resolution images captured by drones and planes, providing farmers with insights into crop health, pest infestations, and nutrient deficiencies. This data allows farmers to take precise actions to mitigate risks and maximize yields.

Taranis has raised significant investment and is used by agribusinesses in over 15 countries. The company’s technology is particularly valuable for large-scale farming operations that need to monitor vast areas of land efficiently【9†source】.



AI in agriculture is transforming the industry by improving efficiency, sustainability, and decision-making across the globe. Startups in London, Europe, Asia, India, the USA, and China are leading the charge, offering innovative solutions that tackle challenges such as resource optimization, crop health monitoring, and labor shortages. As AI continues to evolve, these startups are well-positioned to drive the future of agriculture, making farming more efficient, productive, and environmentally sustainable.


  1. Forbes. “Top AI in Agriculture Startups to Watch.” Forbes
  2. Bloomberg. “AI in Agriculture: Leading the Way.” Bloomberg
  3. Financial Times. “How AI is Transforming the Global Agriculture Industry.” FT

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