Artificial Intelligence

A Review of Top AI Chips Market Share Report: 2024-2030 in the UK, Europe, Asia, and India

A Review of Top AI Chips Market Share Report- 2024-2030 in the UK, Europe, Asia, and India

AI Chips Market Share: 2024-2030 in the UK, Europe, Asia, and India

A Review of Top 10 AI Chips Market Share Reports (2024-2030) in the UK, Europe, Asia, and India

The AI chips market is experiencing significant growth globally, with considerable interest from stakeholders in the UK, Europe, Asia, and India. AI chips, integral to the development and deployment of artificial intelligence applications, are driving advancements across various sectors. This article reviews the top 10 market share reports for AI chips from 2024 to 2030, focusing on market size, forecasts, and trends.

1. MarketsandMarkets Report on AI Chips

MarketsandMarkets offers a comprehensive analysis of the AI chip market, predicting substantial growth from 2024 to 2030. According to their report, the global AI chips market is expected to reach USD 93 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 25.6% (MarketsandMarkets). This growth is driven by the increasing adoption of AI technologies across various sectors including automotive, healthcare, and finance.

The UK is projected to see significant growth, with investments in AI research and development expected to fuel demand for AI chips (UK Government). Additionally, the report highlights a strong presence of major AI chip manufacturers such as NVIDIA and Intel in the UK market. The demand for AI chips is also supported by government initiatives aimed at boosting AI innovation.

In Europe, the report indicates that AI chip adoption will grow due to substantial EU funding programs and collaborative projects. Companies such as AMD and ARM Holdings are expected to play pivotal roles in this growth. The focus on enhancing AI capabilities in Europe’s tech industry will likely drive the demand for advanced AI chips (ResearchAndMarkets).

2. ResearchAndMarkets Report on European AI Chips

ResearchAndMarkets provides a detailed forecast for the European AI chip market, estimating it will grow from USD 6 billion in 2024 to USD 12 billion by 2030, with a CAGR of 22% (ResearchAndMarkets). The report highlights the increasing investment in AI technologies by European countries, driven by both private sector innovation and public funding.

Key trends identified include a strong emphasis on AI research collaborations and strategic partnerships across Europe. The EU’s Horizon Europe program is a significant driver, supporting various AI research projects and fostering growth in the AI chip sector (European Commission). This collaborative environment is expected to accelerate the development of next-generation AI chips.

The report also notes that leading European companies like Infineon Technologies and STMicroelectronics are making significant strides in AI chip technology. These companies are investing heavily in R&D to stay competitive in the growing market. Their advancements are likely to shape the future of AI chip technology in Europe (AI4EU).

3. Allied Market Research Report on Asian AI Chips

Allied Market Research provides insights into the rapidly growing Asian AI chip market, which is expected to reach USD 40 billion by 2030, with a CAGR of 23.5% (Allied Market Research). The report emphasizes the role of Asia as a significant player in the global AI chip market, driven by technological advancements and substantial investments in AI infrastructure.

China, in particular, is highlighted as a major contributor to market growth due to its ambitious AI development plans. The “New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan” aims to position China as a global leader in AI, driving demand for advanced AI chips (China State Council). Companies like Huawei and Baidu are at the forefront of this growth, investing heavily in AI chip technology.

India is also recognized in the report for its emerging AI chip market, with a focus on developing domestic capabilities and fostering innovation. Indian startups and tech giants are expected to contribute significantly to market growth, supported by government initiatives and research funding (Zinnov). This trend reflects the growing importance of the Indian market in the global AI chip industry.

4. Zinnov Report on Indian AI Chips

Zinnov’s report on the Indian AI chip market projects substantial growth from 2024 to 2030, estimating the market will reach USD 3 billion by 2030, with a CAGR of 28% (Zinnov). The report highlights India’s burgeoning tech ecosystem, which is increasingly focusing on AI chip development to meet growing domestic and international demand.

Government initiatives, such as the National AI Strategy, are playing a crucial role in shaping the Indian AI chip market. The strategy aims to foster innovation and support research in AI technologies, including AI chips (NITI Aayog). This supportive environment is expected to drive growth and attract investments from both domestic and international players.

The report also notes that Indian startups and established companies are making significant strides in AI chip technology. Companies such as InCore Semiconductors and Saankhya Labs are developing innovative solutions that cater to various applications, including defense and consumer electronics. Their advancements are contributing to the overall growth of the AI chip market in India (InCore Semiconductors).

5. Grand View Research Report on Global AI Chips

Grand View Research provides a global perspective on the AI chips market, projecting it will grow to USD 130 billion by 2030, with a CAGR of 28.5% (Grand View Research). This report highlights the increasing demand for AI chips driven by advancements in machine learning, deep learning, and data analytics across multiple industries.

In the UK, the report notes that AI chip demand is being fueled by both government policies and private sector investments. Major tech companies and research institutions in the UK are actively developing and adopting AI chip technologies to stay competitive in the global market (University of Cambridge). This trend is expected to continue, contributing to the overall growth of the AI chip market.

Europe’s market is also highlighted, with the report pointing out that the region is focusing on developing advanced AI chips through collaborative research and funding programs. The presence of key players such as NVIDIA and Intel is expected to drive innovation and growth in the European market (NVIDIA).

6. Technavio Report on AI Chip Adoption

Technavio’s report offers insights into AI chip adoption trends across various regions, predicting significant growth in the AI chip market globally. According to the report, the market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 26% from 2024 to 2030, driven by increased adoption of AI technologies (Technavio).

In Asia, the report emphasizes the rapid technological advancements and investments in AI chip development by major tech companies. China and India are identified as key growth markets, with both countries making substantial investments in AI infrastructure and research (Qualcomm). The development of AI chips is expected to be a major focus area in these regions.

The report also highlights the competitive landscape in Europe, where companies like ARM Holdings and AMD are leading the charge in AI chip innovation. The growing emphasis on AI research and development in Europe is expected to drive market growth and technological advancements (ARM Holdings).

7. Frost & Sullivan Report on AI Chip Trends

Frost & Sullivan provides an in-depth analysis of AI chip trends, projecting the market will experience significant growth driven by technological advancements and increasing demand across various sectors. The report estimates the market will reach USD 120 billion by 2030, with a CAGR of 27% (Frost & Sullivan).

The UK is highlighted as a growing market for AI chips, with increased investments in AI research and development. The presence of leading AI chip manufacturers and supportive government policies are expected to drive market growth (UK Government). The report also notes that the UK’s focus on AI innovation will contribute to the overall growth of the market.

In Europe, the report points to a strong emphasis on collaborative research and development projects. The EU’s funding programs and strategic partnerships are expected to drive growth in the AI chip market, with companies like STMicroelectronics playing a key role (STMicroelectronics).

8. IDC Report on AI Chip Market Dynamics

IDC’s report offers insights into the dynamics of the AI chip market, forecasting significant growth from 2024 to 2030. According to the report, the global AI chip market will reach USD 100 billion by 2030, with a CAGR of 25% (IDC). The report highlights the increasing adoption of AI technologies across various industries, driving demand for advanced AI chips.

In Asia, the report emphasizes the role of major tech companies in driving market growth. Companies such as Samsung and Tencent are investing heavily in AI chip technology, contributing to the rapid expansion of the market (Samsung). The focus on AI innovation and research is expected to continue, supporting market growth in the region.

The report also notes that the European market is benefiting from significant investments in AI research and development. The presence of key players and supportive government policies are driving growth in the AI chip market across the region (European Commission).

9. BCC Research Report on AI Chip Market Opportunities

BCC Research provides a comprehensive analysis of market opportunities for AI chips, projecting substantial growth from 2024 to 2030. The report estimates the market will reach USD 115 billion by 2030, with a CAGR of 26% (BCC Research). The report highlights the increasing demand for AI chips driven by advancements in AI technology and rising adoption across various sectors.

The UK market is expected to benefit from strong government support and investments in AI research and development. The presence of leading AI chip manufacturers and research institutions is likely to drive growth in the UK market (University of Cambridge). The report also notes that the UK’s focus on AI innovation will contribute to the overall growth of the market.

In Europe, the report emphasizes the role of collaborative research and funding programs in driving market growth. Companies such as Intel and NVIDIA are expected to play a key role in the development of advanced AI chips (Intel). The growing emphasis on AI research and development is likely to support market expansion across the region.

10. MarketWatch Report on AI Chip Market Trends

MarketWatch provides insights into current trends and future projections for the AI chip market, forecasting significant growth from 2024 to 2030. According to the report, the market is expected to reach USD 105 billion by 2030, with a CAGR of 27% (MarketWatch). The report highlights the increasing adoption of AI technologies and the growing demand for advanced AI chips.

In Asia, the report notes that major tech companies are driving market growth through significant investments in AI chip technology. The focus on innovation and research is expected to support continued expansion in the Asian market (Huawei). The report also highlights the role of emerging markets in contributing to overall growth.

The European market is characterized by strong investments in AI research and development, with companies like AMD and ARM Holdings leading the way. The report emphasizes the importance of collaborative research and funding programs in supporting market growth across the region (AMD).


  1. MarketsandMarkets. (2024). AI Chips Market by Type, Application, and Geography – Global Forecast to 2030. Retrieved from MarketsandMarkets.
  2. ResearchAndMarkets. (2024). European AI Chip Market Report 2024-2030. Retrieved from ResearchAndMarkets.
  3. Allied Market Research. (2024). Asia AI Chips Market – Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2024-2030. Retrieved from Allied Market Research.
  4. Zinnov. (2024). AI Chip Market in India – Forecast and Trends 2024-2030. Retrieved from Zinnov.
  5. Grand View Research. (2024). AI Chips Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Product, By Application, By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2024 – 2030. Retrieved from Grand View Research.
  6. Technavio. (2024). AI Chips Market – Global Outlook and Forecast 2024-2030. Retrieved from Technavio.
  7. Frost & Sullivan. (2024). Global AI Chips Market Report 2024-2030. Retrieved from Frost & Sullivan.
  8. IDC. (2024). AI Chips Market Dynamics: Global Trends and Forecast 2024-2030. Retrieved from IDC.
  9. BCC Research. (2024). AI Chips Market Opportunities and Growth Analysis 2024-2030. Retrieved from BCC Research.
  10. MarketWatch. (2024). AI Chips Market Trends and Projections 2024-2030. Retrieved from MarketWatch.

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